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testWELL Tutoring

testWELL Tutors 2024

About the Program

TestWELL Tutors foster a positive learning experience for Honors students across campus

During their academic career, all students can benefit from the assistance of a trained tutor. The testWELL Learning Center provides free tutoring services available to all West Virginia University undergraduate students. All testWELL tutors are certified and members of the National Tutoring Association. Appointments are not required.

The use of AI tools is prohibited in the Learning Center. Students who utilize these tools while in the Learning Center will be asked to leave.


  • STEM: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Forensic & Investigative Science, Geology, Geography, Physics, Physiology, and Mathematics.
  • Non-STEM: Communication Sciences and Disorders, Economics, English, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and various languages, including French and Spanish

Tutoring Schedule

Students can access tutoring via the dates and locations listed below. 

  • Monday and Wednesday from 7 - 10 p.m. in the Honors Hall Media Room.
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 7 - 10 p.m. in the Lincoln Hall Library.
  • Monday through Thursday from 7 - 10 p.m. via Zoom.

How To Get Involved

TestWELL Tutors foster a positive learning experience for Honors students across campus

Students accepted into the program near the end of the fall semester are required to sign up for HONR 201: Peer Tutoring (spring semester) and HONR 301 Advanced Peer Tutoring (fall semester) and to pass the certification exam.

Want to become a tutor? Honors College students should consider applying to the testWELL Learning Center. Accepted students will receive training and gain membership and certification from the National Tutoring Association.

testWELL Co-Lead Tutors 2023-2024

Get to know our testWELL Co-Lead Tutors
Abigail Keefover

Abigail Keefover

Abby Keefover is an immunology and medical microbiology major from Fairmont, West Virginia. This is her third year as a tutor with the testWELL Learning Center and her second year as a lead tutor.

View Profile: Abigail Keefover
Farah Kisto

Farah Kisto

Farah Kisto is a senior exercise physiology major. This is her second year tutoring for testWELL and her favorite subject is chemistry.

View Profile: Farah Kisto
Sheridan Tolley

Sheridan Tolley

Sheridan Tolley is a third-year Neuroscience major from Lewisburg, West Virginia. She enjoys tutoring in math, biology and chemistry courses.

View Profile: Sheridan Tolley